Sunday, July 03, 2005

The 3 Men

Three men attempted the feat of climbing the tallest mountain in their lifetimes:

One man started up the trail of dirt and rock and heavy brush and decided the venture of reaching the top of the tallest mountain was too hard. Instead of this path, the man chose the cobbled way that was already paved for him to go around the mountain.

Another man started up the trail of dirt and rock and heavy brush and went full force with all his might. Taking on every challenge with all his energy, he soon tired out before reaching the top of the tallest mountain. He decided to settle down only half way up the tallest mountain.

The last man has watched these two men and has learned how he shall travel the trail of dirt and rock and heavy brush up the tallest mountain. He knows the trail will be hard, but ventures slowly and enjoys his paced journey. He stops to look under rocks and sits, listening to silence when he grows tired. Rested, he continues up the mountain, until one day he reaches the top of the tallest mountain.
The last man stands tall at the top of the tallest mountain and admires the view of the world below him. He reflects back on his hike and decides though the view was glorious; reaching the top of the tallest mountain was not the purpose of his journey. The purpose was the journey itself.


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