Just Over the Border- Part V
Now, somewhere, somehow, and sometime, someone came up with the notion that all roads must lead somewhere. That I agree with. Someone else, who was overly obsessed with the woods, solitude, and suicide, came to the conclusion that roads diverge and you have to pick one. I don't know if I agree with that last idea.
Sure some roads diverge, but who says that there is only one true direction. Who says you can't go down both. I think people who think this may be missing something. Or, else I am missing something. I come from the philosophy that whatever road is chosen will get you somewhere. It's not a matter of what road is chosen or where you go, but instead how that road is looked at. You could go down the easiest road in the world, and learn nothing. But, if you choose a different road and keep your eyes and ears open wisdom is sure to follow.
Now, somewhere, somehow, and some other time, someone came up with the notion of a town just south of the border from San Diego named, Tijuana. Who's idea was it for this town? I don't know, but here's one of those roads you have to keep your eyes and ears open on.
We decide to park on the US side, mostly for concern of the Desert Gem's safety, and walk across to the other side. Upon walking in, we remember to get all forms of identification for return back into our home sweet home country.
Walking in during the middle of the day seemed much more safe than if we were to go at night. Now, looking back on it, I'm glad we didn't go into Tijuana at night. I've heard stories, and to tell you the truth I don't want to be one of those stories.
Along the bridge are guard towers that house the border patrol. Armed with fire arms, the US hopes to dissuade any attempts of illegals crossing while so many American tourists look on. It's more of a PR move by our government that anything else.
Chicles are being sold by little Mexican children with no teeth, who should be attending school. Hey, in Mexico , life's different. Everywhere, someone is trying to give you a good deal on a pinata and Beer Bong Sombrero. Man, those things aren't cheap. I did find a good deal on a t-shirt that said, "I saw, I lived, I survived the Donkey Show." But, I decided it would be in bad taste to purchase this shirt and wear it in public.
Still strolling around the town, we get numerous offers for taxi rides. At least, that's all I hope they were offering us. While we are walking, we notice that there are young Mexican women placed every 4-6 feet dressed in short tight dresses, who keep smiling at us. They look like some characters I have seen on Telemundo a few times.
Now, I'm all about a good tasting Chicle from Mexico, but that's about it. The uneasiness in our stroll eventually got the best of us and we ducked into an internet cafe to check for mail we had received. I had none, and Shad had about 15 messages, like usual.
After about 15 minutes we are back on the streets passing the Pharmaceutical District. I had wondered about purchasing some allergy medicine at a discounted price, but decided not to. We could have bought steroids at a low price, but decided that we were happy the way we were.
Interestingly enough, after passing yet another pharmacy, we see a club in which we could go have a drink and experience a free show. Alright, but something about drinking and experiencing Tijuana was not appealing. It just wasn't the right atmosphere for the intellectual and creative mood I was in. That, and I didn't want the special in the club with a $5 dollar drink. All I wanted to take back to the states was my dignity and not an STD.
It was still light outside and around 4:30. The border was starting to get more croweded. Mexican workers who had jobs in the US were waiting in line to get back into their country, while we waited in the line to get back to ours.
Finally, we found our way back to the Desert Gem. It was safe, and waiting to be driven up the coastline on the 101.
It needed to soak in some crusty waves. We would hug the coast for an hour or so until we finally encountered the most beautiful/peaceful beach towns I have seen in my lifetime so far, Del Mar. Sweet serenity. To hell, and back to peace in one day.
We pulled up on the street with all the other cars, surrounded by beach houses, and dug through our food supply. It was dinner time, which included sardines and saltines. The meal of wandering nomads.
To be continued...
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