Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Part IV- Pulling into Paradise

We pull into San Diego on Interstate 8. It seems like that the interstate just dies into a redlight. I remember being kind of surprised that the interstate can just run dead end to the ocean. It was the first time I had driven to California. Before then I had always thought that the interstate was as long as eternity. I knew there was an end, but it just wasn't apparent where the end was or if it was ever going to end, at least from where I came.

Shad had the instinct of knowing when to handroll the windows down in perfect cruising weather. It was a gift. He would put the back of his hand up to the window to feel the temperature of the glass. After this, he would decide if the weather was fit for open windows. Somehow, the weather was always perfect when Shad made the decision to air it out.

In San Diego, Shad rolled down the windows and it was the most exuberant air I had every felt through my hair and in my lungs. I was liberated. The Dust Bowl migration had just made perfect sense to me when those windows were down.

Cruising around the noon streets of San Diego was relaxing. We started getting hungry and decided to eat at a local favorite of the whole world, McDonald's.
Now, I only eat McDonald's once or twice a year, and I usually just eat the egg mcmuffins for breakfast. Man, those are good. Anyways, back to my story.

Sitting there in the McDonald's we noticed that the female persuasion around was a little different than we were accustomed to back home in Texas. Now, nothing against girls in Texas...God knows I love the ladies know matter where you're from, but these girls were different than Texan girls. The ones in San Diego were naturally beautiful without the bells and whistles.

One in particular I remember was not dressed to kill but smooth. What caught my eye was her leisurely peddeling legs on a bicycle. Then I saw the rest of her. Wow. Granted I'm not that superficial when it comes to looks, but I noticed this one. It was something about her leisureness that attracted me to her. Not a care in the world but what she was doing which was biking to the beach.

Let me say something. The above was all based strictly on looks. If I would have talked to this woman and found that she was even remotely stuck up or dumb as dirt, I would have walked the other way. Honest. Well, sort of.

Shad and I finish our burgers and jump into the Desert Gem after making the decision to journey on down to Tijuana. Yeah, Tijuana, Mexico. Get ready for this.

To be continued...