Saturday, March 17, 2007

Life is Free

Sometimes, people admire the wrong things.
Today, I took the time to admire the glory of God's beauty.
It cost me nothing. It was free.
Can you believe? Will you please believe me?


Decisions are difficult to decide without guidance. The morning alarm sounds and the decision must be made whether to wake or stay under the comfort of the blanket for a few more moments. The alarm sounds again after you decided the first time to stay in the warmth of the bed. Another decision must be made, and this time the feet are reluctant to touch the floor because they fear the cold wood that they are about to touch. After making the decision to finally awaken, one must decide on the wardrobe to wear today. What should be eaten for breakast? A shave, today? Is there time to make the bed? What will the wife say? What meetings are going on today at work?

Sometimes decisions control people until they are made. Though people do ultimately indeed make their own decisions, they do not decide without guidance. Some seek their guidance through siblings, friends, mothers, fathers, children, couselors, teachers, preachers, ministers, bible study members, psychiatrists, customers, bosses, neighbors, grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts, psychiatrists, and physicians. But, where does all the sharing and Love of one another to help decide exist? In God through prayer.